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Insurance Blog

The DIY Guide to Winterizing Your Boat

The DIY Guide to Winterizing Your Boat

If your boat is kept in a cold winter weather area without heated storage, you will want to winterize before the first freeze sets in. You can pay someone else to winterize it for you, or save money by doing it yourself in a few simple steps. Steps for Winterizing an Inboard/Outboard Drive Boat Gather Your Tools and Supplies A factory service manual could be...

What Additional Benefits Should I Offer Remote Employees?

What Additional Benefits Should I Offer Remote Employees?

The remote workforce is growing stronger. A large percentage of employees are now working away from the office one or more days per week. There are many advantages to providing special perks for remote workers. Here are some examples of the types of benefits you can offer employees who work from home. Flexible Work Hours and Unlimited PTO One advantage of working remotely is knowing...

Nontraditional Life Insurance Plans You Should Know About

Nontraditional Life Insurance Plans You Should Know About

Traditional life insurance is low risk and offers guaranteed maturity returns to policyholders. Nontraditional life insurance combines investment and insurance in a single policy. These plans invest in the market and have the potential to earn higher returns because of their higher-risk nature. If you have not been able to obtain traditional life insurance, you should know about these nontraditional life insurance plans. Graded Life...

The Ins and Outs of Business Contents Insurance

The Ins and Outs of Business Contents Insurance

Your business contents are items belonging to your business that are not permanently attached to the building. They may include small items, such as laptops and mobile phones, or furniture, office equipment, raw materials, or large machinery. No matter the size or nature of your enterprise, the loss of some or all of these essential items could significantly disrupt your operations.  Business contents insurance is...

A Parent’s Guide to Teen Driver Safety

A Parent’s Guide to Teen Driver Safety

Learning to drive and getting a license is an important step in the process of becoming an adult. But that does not make it any less stressful for the teen’s parents! It is nearly impossible not to worry when you are aware of teen driving accident statistics and know how susceptible that age group can be to driver distraction. If you are a parent of...